Ladies, do you have an Innie or an Outie? And no, I'm not talking belly buttons!
I have have a quite extensive porn collection (for a girl anyway), I've seen loads of porn on the internet (that's how my laptop got AIDS and died), and I have also thumbed through many a porno mag in my time and it came to my attention just how different vaginae can be. I knew that the color of your skin would determine the color of you punani, but up until around 4 or 5 years ago I had no idea that pussies were as varied in shape and size, and so different from one chick to the next.
If you're not sure what you've got follow these simple instructions:
1- You need to down trou' and stand in front of the mirror with your legs slightly apart.
2- Depending on your hairstyle down there you will either see:
a) A slit only - This would be an Innie
b) A slit plus your inner labia poking out (much like small tongues) - This variety would be an Outie.
Not that I'm a doctor or anything but after some extensive research and question asking to different people it seems that an outie is just due to having large inner labia that simply have no room to stay contained inside the outer labia, so they just spill out - Hence the name. Plain and simple. I ran a quick poll by my friends and it seems that innies and outies are split 50/50.
I think innies look a little posh and how do you do. You know, like a lady from say the 50s all prim and proper, very neatly presented with not a hair out of place. And outies look like a vampish young thing ready for a night out on the town, with all of their wares out on display!
What do guys prefer? Well, according to more of my research, again the verdict is came in at 50/50, and most of the dudes I surveyed added at the end of their answer "It doesn't really matter if her pussy is an innie or an outie, as long as it's wet and ready!"
Nuff said!