What makes a part time special friend's ex girlfriend read and comment on my blog? She's no longer with my part time special friend, I've never met her but yet she seems drawn to read my blog about my exploits with him. Judging by how many comments she has left over time, she is quite a regular visitor. Why is she so preoccupied with me? Is she still into her ex even though she has claimed in a comment she has a new man. I don't get it. And why stalk my blog to get my perspective of time spent with him? Why not pick up the phone, call him and ask what he's been up to? Why does she feel the need to take digs at me on my own blog? I doubt very much he is trying to replace you. But then you'd have to ask him. Get a life lady!
I read ur blog not just about him, I actually think ur an intelligent woman and ur blogs about everything are very interesting. The reason I have left comments on certain ones is because of the dig u had at me in one of them and it was very easy for u to judge me without knowing me, so why can I not do the same.
ReplyDeleteUr special friend is quite a complex unit if u haven't already noticed.. I'm not into him anymore, and if I were I could probably have him at any time.. He is a nice guy but would hate for u to waste ur time if he is not reciprocating the same things back to u. I'm not stalking u but every few weeks I get on here to read ur interesting thoughts.. I am intreged by u. If it makes u feel better u had his cock before I did and I'm guessing u have also had him after I have..