The following anecdotes are the ramblings of Melbourne female with an over-active imagination, who should probably take a chill pill before she speaks or types.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Naughty Mr X
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Fifty Shades of Fucked Up...
It did however, make me realise that I'm not quite done with kinky fuckery. I thought I had it out of my system, but clearly I have not! Doesn't every girl like having her ass spanked and he hair pulled? No!? Must just be me then! And just last week I ordered a book from the work book box titled "Knots: Step by step" to further my lust for rope.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Bad Day...
What a super cunt ball of a day - Cold, wet & miserable weather, slashed fucking tyre from shit in the gutter, flat cunt hole battery and hypothermia from trying to rectify aforementioned fuck ups of the day and to top it all off, I have to suffer through yet another fucking Mother's Day with a dead mother with Mother's Day propaganda shoved down my throat everywhere I turn! >:|
Dear day, just fuck off already! I've had enough!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
That awkward moment ...

So, I've been seeing a new fella since November last year. He's lovely. He's about 6'7", has dark hair and green eyes - I think. Who looks at eye color in the heat of the moment?
I met him online and we hit it off straight away. We both love to cook and to drink beer!
I was chatting to him online about a month after we first met. We were sharing sex stories and thought it necessary to let me know that he was once in a relationship with a dude.
I didn't know what to say. I think I said something lame along the lines of Ahh, cool. :|
What is the correct response to such a bombshell? So, you like to fuck dudes? Um, that's... Nice.
He told me the relationship was only fleeting and lasted six months or so and that he had not been in contact with the guy for over a year.
I brushed it off and thought, oh well, he likes pussy again now - My pussy.
Around three months ago he told me that the other dude got back in contact with hm and wanted to meet up. He asked if I was OK with this. I was put on the spot and said - I don't own you Man! Do what you like!
So he did. He met up with his old lover and thought it necessary to fill me in on the details. That made me a bit squirmy. I don't care who you fuck, I'm not your wife. Just be safe and spare me of the gory details.
In short, the new dude I've been screwing loves cock just as much as me. Awkward!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I need a dollar, dollar. A dollar is what I need...
I wish I had not spent my last pineapple on the weekend. I'm hungry and want to go to the supermarket. How is one meant to survive living below the poverty line? Old mother Hubbard went to the cupboard but died of malnutrition on the way... :'(
Thursday, February 23, 2012
10 Reasons To Keep Your Cat Indoors At Night...

#10 - You won't have to bail your pussy out from the pound
#9 - Grumpy neighbours will be less grouchy towards your precious puss
#8 - Native nocturnal wildlife will feel safe to roam freely and forage for food, in an environment free from feline stalkers
#7 - You won't be worried at night pondering where your cat is and what it's doing
#6 - It's less likely that your cat will pick up nasty diseases, such as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (Cat AIDS)
#5 - It's also less likely that your cat will pick up parasites such as fleas and ticks
#4 - Puss in Boots will more than likely live a longer life as an indoor cat
#3 - Your cat may be killed or injured during punch-ons with other cats, dogs or foxes
#2 - Your pampered pussy might get disoriented or lost on nocturnal stalking missions of the neighbourhood. Let's face it; cats are nowhere near as smart as dogs
And the number one reason for keeping your stupid cat indoors at night... *Drumroll*
#1 - I really don't like picking fluff and blood out of the grille of my car.
You bastard of an animal! You were black. It was night. You ran in front of my car. I couldn't stop. Now you're dead.
People, keep your cats indoors at night.
Friday, February 17, 2012
PETA advert...
I'm not sure if the dirty perve in me loves this ad and makes me want to rush out and find a vegan boyfriend or, if the feminist inside me wants to go out and kill puppies beacuse of this ad.
What do you think?
Apple Inc. Not so bad after all?
I hate Apple Inc. There I said it. Again. Though I don't know why I hate them as much as I do. It was pointed out to me a few weeks ago, that I had an unfounded hatred of the global corporation. I think I hate them because they are trying to monopolise the market. Just like Telstra do with the telecommunications industry. I guess I'm a fan of the under dog and I love it when the "Little Guy" wins big.
Any who, way back on the 16th of November 2011, my seven year old, First Generation iPod Nano showed the sad/dead iPod icon. I was distraught. I don't know all that much about technology or how to fix dead electronic devices. Hell, I don't even have iTunes on my laptop! I use a friend's iTunes, mainly because he has a better music collection than me!
I Googled searched - Sad iPod Nano. A long list of devastatingly complicated fixes came up. I couldn't make heads nor tails of what to do to fix my iPod. Until I stumbled across a news article from theprevious day stating that Apple had initiated a world-wide recall of First Generation iPod Nanos. The recall was due to faulty batteries, that had been installed in the devices that overheat and can, on occasion catch fire.
I did the right thing and contacted the Apple support department via telephone. I gave the foreign dude on the other end of the line the serial number of my dead Pod. Yep, sure enough I had one of the effected devices. BINGO! I was advised that Apple would replace my defective Nano by sending me a replacement device and I was told to return my faulty device once the new one had arrived. I was rapt! I was advised that it would take between four to six weeks for the new iPod to arrive, so I eagerly watched the mailbox and waited for my new iPod.
Six weeks went by and nothing. No new iPod had been delivered. I got angry. I called the service department again. The second foreign fellow that I spoke to advised me that my order was still being processed and as there had been a huge response to the recall that it may take a further four to six weeks for the replacement device to arrive. I was frustrated but satisfied with the response I was given. So back to waiting it was!
I do not have a very patient demeanour. It's a Gen Y trait that I'm not proud of. I want it and I want it NOW! After a further five weeks of waiting, making it a total of 11 weeks, I called the service department once more and yet again, I spoke to a third foreign fellow. I gave him the serial number of my dead iPod and low and behold he could not find it in the system! Something inside me snapped. The fella politely asked me if I would mind being placed on hold and took my contact number in case the call was accidentally terminated whilst he was looking into my query. I obliged and was happy to sit on hold and wait for this situation to be fixed. I mean, I don't have a job right now,so what else have I got to do besides sit by idly and listen to crappy hold music.
39 minutes later the fellow came to back to me. He informed me that the information I was given on both of my previous calls was incorrect and that I would have to start the whole process again! I reiterated that I had called twice, waited 11 weeks and now I had to go back to square one? I was told yes. Lucky for me, whilst I was on hold I had a feeling that I was going to have to start all over again, so I went onto the Apple website and created an Apple ID and logged the serial number of my faulty device. I was then given a postage paid label to print out and use to send my shitPod back to Appple. I bid farewell to the fella on the phone and commended him for such great service.
I printed my label and went to the post office to send back my piece of shit, fucked iPod. The lady behind the counter gave me a box and bubble wrap. I wrapped up the iPod, slammed it into the box, taped it shut and stuck the label on the front. I kissed the package and whispered "God's speed little iPod. God's speed". I handed back to the post office lady and left.
Two weeks later I received a confirmation email stating that my iPod had made it's way to Apple and would be sent off for diagnosis. It sounded serious. But I was just pleased that the ball was finally rolling.
Which brings us to today...17th February 2012. One hundred and three days after my initial contact I opened my inbox to an email from Apple. It read:
" Dear Kelly,
Your service request has been completed and your IPOD NANO shipped on 16.02.2012.
Shipping address:
Your product shipped via Australia Post with tracking number xxxxxxxxx, which should be active within 24 hours at Please allow two to three business days for delivery. Note that shipments to remote regions may take up to five business days for delivery.
Serial Number of Original Product: xxxxxxxxxxx
Serial Number of Replacement Product: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Please retain this email as a record that your product's serial number has changed as a result of this service request.
Repair ID: xxxxxxxxx"
Woo hoo! Today I'm not hating on Apple as much as I use to! They are replacing my 7 year old, 2GB, fucked, first generation iPod nano with a brand spanking new, 6th Generation, 8GB, touch screen nano. That will teach them for using faulty batteries from Japan that cause the first gens to overheat and burst into flames in people's pockets!
Though, the proof will be in the pudding. Let's see what happens in two to three business days. The cynic inside me tells me that something else will go wrong!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I hate...
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big, dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick — It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh — Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around. And the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you — Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Katarina - 10 Things I hate about you
Monday, February 13, 2012
Dear universe...
Many thanks in advance,
The Opinionated Little Miss x
Monday, February 6, 2012
If I was her Mum I would have been the sluttiest 10 year old going to have spat out a sproglett that young!